The Internet was welcomed as an information superhighway, but has it ended up jamming our brains instead?
A rare genetic disorder can be the most crushing and lonely ordeal to suffer.
This eccentric hotel in Kolkata brings its guests back again and again for the inimitable ‘Fairlawn experience’
Laughing is fun, more so when it is forbidden. Welcome to the world of inappropriate gigglers.
Doctors are surprised if the victim co-operates with them, for policemen wives cannot be raped by husbands, the defence tries to prove that the victim is a major because anyone over 16 is thought to have given consent, judges worry about marital prospects of victims…everyone expects this crime to fit into their picture
Move over, truffle chocolates. This year it’s baklava from Turkey, pavlova from New Zealand and dates from Jordan. As Forrest Gump’s momma would say, you never know what you’ll get next
That is the bottomline. At least Uttar Pradesh, a Congress bastion for yonks and then not for nearly as long, is ready to vote the party in, with Rahul on top.
The minority report on the man is also fairly upbeat. More than half the Muslims and Dalits polled in the survey feel Rahul is batting for them.
A lot of them, men and women, upper caste Hindus and Dalits, young and old, find Rahul “clean, accessible and energetic”. His looks count for something too.