

How to Save a Sanctuary

The Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary in Karnataka has been notified as a tiger reserve. While this tag will fetch extra conservation funds for the sanctuary, it threatens to displace Soliga tribals from their ancestral habitat. New generations of Soligas may not be content with their forefathers’ way of life, but this forest will lose its soul without them. And India will lose one of its best opportunities to try out a model of coexistence between wildlife and eco-sensitive people

Or Try This for Corruption

While the great Indian middle class obsesses with cricket and corruption, an epic three-way battle is unfolding in forests across the country. It is time to take notice, and a stand. Because, more than anything else, the outcome of this tussle will decide India’s future

Let Justice, Not Populism, Prevail

The Allahabad High Court’s verdict was a classic case of exceeding the brief

A Surprise in the Valley

The first Pandit sarpanch in Kashmir wins with the help of Muslim votes

The Supreme Court Spoiler

Modi’s plan to preside over an out-of-court settlement flops

Obama after Osama

So, should he consider himself re-elected in 2012?

Man of the Match

VS Achuthanandan may have ended up on the losing side, but he made the Left look respectable even in defeat.

Raja Rings Home

Jayalalithaa ran a campaign focused aggressively on that name. To a thunderous response.

Korechhi, Lodechhi, Jeetechhi

How Mamata Banerjee became the new Left in West Bengal

Maya’s land grab, Rahul’s bike ride

A chief minister loses the plot in Uttar Pradesh. A challenger grabs the opportunity. But this ought to be about a fair deal for farmers, not the 2012 polls


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