

Stealth Revolution

Muslim women of Mumbai’s Bohra community are secretly joining hands to slough off an age-old tradition of female genital mutilation

Cayman 1, Taxman 0

Vodafone has scored a legal victory over India’s tax authorities, but what’s worth asking is this: why do ‘capital gains’ bear a lighter tax burden than your salary?

The Rushdie Affair and the Hand of the Congress

Cynical Congressmen and supine litfest organisers script a dangerous farce

I Think I Think, Am I Therefore I?

And whether ‘you’ exist at all, according to Susan Blackmore, a researcher of consciousness and paranormal experiences

Europe’s Quest for Harmony

To Germany’s credit, there are signs that it is envisioning a future for the entire Eurozone

Mitt Romney, a Man for All Seasons. Or Not

Obama’s most likely Republican challenger is just a little too perfect and a little too rich

What’s Brewing in Pakistan?

No coup, but covert control by the army and elections by the end of 2012 perhaps

So You Were Afraid of Global Warming

The interesting theory that India might actually end up as a better-fed nation because of climate change

For a Moment of Statesmanship

With Rushdie, the government has again chosen the cowardice of practicality over the courage of morality

A Lot Like Rajiv

In his aptitude for flying, his ease in reaching out to people, and his desire to be ‘the regular guy’, Rahul Gandhi is quite like his father. An extract from Open staffer Jatin Gandhi and Veenu Sandhu’s hot-off-the press biography of the leader, Rahul


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