

Accounting for Corruption

Gautam Pingle

Calculating the per capita cost of corruption in India

The State-versus-Reliance Saga

With Reliance’s output only half the planned level, the Centre also gets less by way of earnings

The New Criminal

Regular people with no history of crime are committing the most gruesome murders. What’s going on?

The Innocence of Loss

Ishrat Jahan’s 2004 death has left her family in Mumbai without a sense of closure. Investigators have confirmed that she was murdered. But what she was doing on a highway in Gujarat with three shady characters, they have no idea

The Underfed and the Unscrupulous

Raichur district of Karnataka has some of India’s worst statistics on malnourished children. It is hard to tell which is the worse scandal: the lack of nutrition here or the money being made off it

In Defence of Distributors

Time was when filmmakers valued the feedback of independent film distributors and would even make changes on their request. Now the very existence of this tribe is under threat

The Economics of Bailouts

Given how precarious banks’ own finances are, perhaps it’s time to think seriously about bailout options for companies.

Failing at the Art of Politics

The FDI decision has created a crisis that everyone but the Congress could have foreseen

Gurus in Pinstripes

Some will ask you to walk on fire. Most tell you things you already know. And yet, curiously, ‘life coaches’ have so many takers in India these days. What’s going on?

Jigna Vora vs Mumbai Police

The police claim they have a case against this journalist. If so, they must prove it, not vilify and harass her


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