

“New York is Killing Me”

To me, New York City represented everything transgressive

100 Days of Modi

S Prasannarajan • PR Ramesh • Suhel Seth • Tavleen Singh • Shiv Visvanathan • Ullekh NP • And more

Artful but with a heart

Never before has the first three months of a Prime Minister been looked through a multi focal lens

Right and Radical

The understated revolution of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Tailored, Not Tinkered

Narendra Modi didn’t bother to tweak policies to please any bloc. Regional stability and local economic growth topped his agenda

The Leader is Elsewhere, Still

Lowest ever numbers coupled with clueless leadership, Congress lacks direction as an opposition both within and outside Parliament

Loss of Sobriety

Kerala’s decision to ban liquor bars outside of five-star hotels could dampen the state’s economic spirits and spawn new vices

The GOD of BIG Things

The evolution of Ganesha from a city deity to one of the most popular gods in the Indian pantheon

Dreaming and dying in Bangalore

Bangalore is India’s Silicon Valley—at a price. Are its suicide levels, higher than elsewhere in urban India, any indication of its future?

JIHAD – An Indian Love Story

Love Jihad today divides western Uttar Pradesh along communal and political lines


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