The uneasy alliance of BJP and Shiv Sena comes to an inglorious finale. There is nothing much to cheer about in the Congress-NCP camp either
Prime Minister Narendra Modi reaches America at a time when the relationship between Washington and Delhi is at a low ebb. Beyond the spectacle starring a man who loves performance lies a harder challenge: Can the enchanter redeem an alliance gone astray?
And to think he hit upon the internet almost by accident on a trip to America as an interpreter!
The underutilised and unappreciated jackfruit is on its way to become a global star
The restaurateur who is nourished by the spirit of the youth. And it’s good business
Modi played the indulgent host to perfection as he tried to bond with the visiting Chinese president Xi Jinping. Can the mutually suspicious Asian powers overcome the trust deficit?
But letting the likes of Yogi Adityanath go berserk can ruin the BJP’s dreams of reviving a hollow organisation and sustaining the magic of Modi on the stump
In the valley after the deluge, the struggle of the living, the abandoned and the orphaned, is all about survival and coping with the loss. We listened to the sighs, sorrows and anger of a people still submerged in the memories of what one Kashmiri calls the ‘blood flood’
HMT set the time for two generations of Indians. We chronicle the death of India’s beloved watchmaker