

A Time for Ecosophy

Aseem Shrivastava

The Corona Condition is a last gentle warning from the gods

“The village subsidises the city and it will continue to do so after the lockdown ends”

Anirudh Krishna, Edgar T. Thompson Professor of Public Policy and Political Science in conversation with V Shoba

Blood Plasma Treatment for Covid-19 Ready: Kerala Doctors

Awaiting approval from ICMR; may also get Cuban wonder drug Interferon

The Keezhadi Connection

Were the Tamils the earliest people in India to develop their own script?

Caviar Capitalism

Since the Soviet Union collapsed, caviar has gone from being easily available to being less so; China has become its largest producer in the world; and luxury has gone from being all about global chic to local grunge

Can You Be Happy Without Money?

In novels, only the rich can afford the luxury of complete leisure, and no toil. They have lives of plenty, which end up pyrrhic, as rampant consumerism hints at moral bankruptcy

Spirit of the Times

You have to be n it for the long run. It takes years for fine wines to improve in quality and price. Whisky too can be an investment possibility but for that you will have to look abroad for advice

Yacht Masters

Many people who have never sailed, for whom purchasing a hatch is too expensive, are now beginning to take to it

The Platinum Rush

Over the last decade, platinum has been trying to make inroads into the Indian Jewellery market, one of the most evolved in the world and bound intricately by tradition and culture

The Unexpected Antique

How Le Corbusier’s Chandigarh memorabilia, from manhole covers to furniture, appeared in the brochures of some of the world’s biggest auction houses


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