

A Portrait of the Statesman as Reconciler

Bharat Ratna or not, Atal Bihari Vajpayee matters more in the age of Narendra Modi

Where Passion meets Purpose

The pace of overall reforms has been slow but Prime Minister Modi scores full marks in foreign policy

In Praise of a Renaissance Mind

Remembering Tapan Raychaudhuri (1926—2014), historian, storyteller and friend

The Lady India Loved to Hate

The fall of Robin L Raphel and an old diplomatic peeve

The House of Stories

A literary journey that began from the jasmine-wreathed verandah of ancestry reaches the expansive and exhilarating world of the great Indian sensibility

The Anomalous Imam

Why the hereditary power of the Shahi Imamate of Delhi is both anti-democratic and anti-Quranic

Why strong leaders are highly vitaminised

Narendra Modi and the steroid theory of politics

Marked out in a Merciless Village

The culture of hate in an ignorant, intolerant India

The day he was God with a bat of clay

From an India of mediocre cricket writing comes a minor classic on Sachin Tendulkar’s inglorious Final Test

Regaining the Past to flow into the Future

The Ganga is moving away from the ghats. Can Modi save it?


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