
Cover Story

A Small Still Voice

Tridip Suhrud

It is the capacity to hear the inner voice that for Gandhi reveals the distance he has traversed in his quest. Each invocation of the inner voice indicated to him his submission to God. This listening required proximity with oneself. This proximity could be attained through the practice of ahimsa

Howdy, Gandhi

There will always be a Gandhian piece of wisdom to make your politics not retro-cool but smart and urgent

An Old Theory in the Light of New Science

Rakhigarhi does not end the Aryan invasion debate but it provides more accurate answers to who we are

The Origins

The debate on Aryan migration has long divided Indian academics into opposing camps. Two recent genetic studies appear to have solved the mystery of where we come from by offering fresh insight into who the people of the Indus Valley Civilisation really were

Gig Jobs: The Slump Card

The dawn of white-collar gig jobs in a slowdown

Better Days Are Ahead

Investment is recovering and so will the economy

The Economy: How Bad Is It?

With necessary reforms, India can ride out the storm

Master of Parliament

Wherever Arun Jaitley sat became the centre of Central Hall

The Death of a Gentleman

Anecdotes from a generous life that enjoyed good friends and good food

Kashmir: Beware the Street

And that’s what Pakistan is hoping for


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