
Cover Stories

The Temptations of History

Afghanistan was never a viable nation-state and is unlikely to be one in future. The roots of the Afghan chaos are to be found in the country’s divisions

The Emirate of Hate

Rooted in the medieval mindset of the barely lettered, the Taliban draw their staying power from the coalition of clans, ready supplies of cash and a cosiness provided by a mindful neighbour

The End of Pax Americana

The US has grievously hurt its international credibility with a self-inflicted defeat and humiliation in Afghanistan. Its enemies can only be celebrating. The security and humanitarian disaster that the Biden administration has unleashed in Afghanistan will likely unravel whatever is left of American primacy

75 Names of Freedom

Together, from north to south and east to west, they forged the iron framework of a social, cultural, political, economic, intellectual and educational foundation for the new nation of India

The Earthspinner

An excerpt from award-winning author Anuradha Roy’s forthcoming novel

Moments in Arts and Sports of Independent India

No country can be contained in 75 moments, but these remain milestones of the work in progress

Certitudes of the Centre

The art and architecture of domination

Sweat and Tears

An integral part of the anti-colonial narrative, football is a story of our missed tryst with destiny

The Empire Sings Back

How East met West over ragas, experimental compositions and strains of the violin and the harmonium


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