

Isle of Dogs Movie Review

It is a movie that gives us pause to think, and, at the same time, delight in the aesthetics of colour and composition

Songs of Snow

The agility and vulnerability of Tibetan verse

The Odd One Out

Not Quite a Money Spinner | End of the Affair

Sanju Movie Review

Isn’t ‘Sanju’ a movie that consciously attempts to 'fake' our perception?

Getting Serious in Tinseltown

In Search of Her Next Big Project | Petty Games of One-Upmanship

Ocean’s Eight Movie Review

Everyone wins, the movie ends, and it is party time

Incredibles 2 Movie Review

The movie is a product of an entertainment industry that seems more and more unconnected with American reality

Found in Translation

The art of setting the box office alight by adapting Hollywood films to the Indian idiom

Not Just Another Star Kid

No Grudges Held | That Awkward Age

Race 3 Movie Review

Race 3 is a surprisingly downbeat movie, with more talk in it than action


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