An evocative ‘back-to- nature’ film that would have Indians ponder questions of identity
The enduring appeal of Jaaved Jaaferi, arguably India’s first celebrity dancer and standup comic, who is back with yet another season of Boogie Woogie
A movie that is rather too loud but still watchable—mostly for Priyanka Chopra’s sizzler of a turn
Changing the personality of a lead character midway, this film crashes after a delightful start
A decent romcom idea on paper translates into an extraordinarily dull movie on screen
Jimmy Shergill has not given up just yet. His acclaimed performances in Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster I and II and Bullett Raja may revive his Hindi cinema career—or so he hopes
A masterly noirish re-creation of C-grade smut that takes a hard look at exploitation in cinema
Miss Lovely began as a documentary project but director Ashim Ahluwalia had to drop the idea when his contacts refused to speak on camera. The story behind a film set in India’s C-grade smut industry
The dead genre of the ‘Muslim social’ has been revived to deliver a smart sequel