
Book Reviews

Giving and Growing

Lov Verma

Azim Premji is a philanthropist at heart and a businessman by choice

Azim Premji: The Man Beyond the Billions
Sundeep Khanna and Varun Sood
A Promised Land  /
A Promised Land
Barack Obama
The Questioning Self

The form of autobiography has long been Barack Obama’s way of explaining his way in the world

The Silence /
The Silence
Don DeLillo
Black Noise

Reading Don DeLillo in the time of a pandemic

Jugalbandi: The BJP Before Modi /
Jugalbandi: The BJP Before Modi
Vinay Sitapati
Why BJP Wins

Because teamwork is central to Hindu nationalism

The Brass Notebook: A Memoir /
The Brass Notebook: A Memoir
Devaki Jain
On Her Own Terms

An autobiography of lived freedoms

Hellfire /
Leesa Gazi | Translated by Shabnam Nadiya
Mum Is the Word

An extraordinary novel on toxic relationships in a family

The Khalistan Conspiracy: A Former R&AW Officer Unravels the Path to 1984 /
The Khalistan Conspiracy: A Former R&AW Officer Unravels the Path to 1984
GBS Sidhu
Myopic Versions

The problem with conspiracy theories around the plot to secede Punjab

Above the Clouds: How I Carved My Own Path to the Top of the World /
Above the Clouds: How I Carved My Own Path to the Top of the World
Kilian Jornet | Translated by Charlotte Whittle
In High Spirits

A great mountain runner relives the romance of ascending

A Promised Land /
A Promised Land
Barack Obama
Dreams From Obama

Obama's promised land is a hurt and a reward, and maybe that’s how it should be for an American who carries within him the sighs and joys of other cultures

The Baburnama /
The Baburnama
Translated by Annette Susannah Beveridge
The Sword And The Stylus

The Baburnama, one of the greatest memoirs in any language and of any age, is a testament to humanity in which the personal becomes universal


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