
Art & Culture

Miniatures’ Big Chance

Mumbai-based Ma Passion is helping Jaipur’s miniature artists gain a firmer economic foothold

Home Is Where The Art Is

A bunch of smart women artists in the Capital are turning their homes into spaces to display their art. And raking in the moolah, all from the comfort of their homes

Creating a Climate of Change

Photographer and curator Mark Edwards juxtaposes Bob Dylan’s lyrics with photos that draw attention to man’s headlong collision with nature

Unhurried Hurricane of the Hills

In this northeastern hill town, you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. It’s Bob Dylan all the way.

Still Moving Image

Investment banker-turned-photographer Siddhartha Tawadey sees life through a Buddhist lens, where all is movement, all is transience

The Day the Music Lived

It’s time for music enthusiasts to make their annual pilgrimage. In its ninth year, Ruhaniyat, a mystic music festival, is bringing in artistes from India, Egypt, Iran and Indonesia

The Legend of Talkad

They say this quaint little town by the Cauvery bears a curse upon it. Every year, tonnes of sand would blow in and bury the exquisite temples of the region. Exploring the myth behind the phenomenon

The Empire Stamps Back

The UK’s Royal Mail has unveiled its collection of stamps and mementos in India to the delight of Indian collectors

Though This Be Madness, There Is Method In’t

After sixteen years of work, Surjit Hans’ mission of translating all of Shakespeare into Punjabi is nigh an end.

The World in his Sights

From the North Pole to Africa, Sumantra Banerjee, camera hanging from his shoulders, goes in search of the remote and rugged.


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