On the death of John Nash and the question of genius
At birth, we all have about 10,000 taste buds scattered on the back, sides and tip of the tongue. But just like with the brain’s grey cells, we still don’t know why some use more of their taste buds than others
Any democratically elected leader should make himself available to the media on a regular basis. So should Modi, for his own sake
Not since Nehru has the country had a male leader who enjoys being the cynosure of all eyes. Anatomy of a fashion statement
The portrait of a leader who has altered the idea of being Indian
Seven features of Modi’s non-doctrinaire foreign policy that is taking India from non-alignment to multi-alignment
As humans, we are wired to be restless, to succumb to wanderlust, to struggle with Fernweh (far-sickness) as opposed to Heimweh (homesickness)