
World War II

The Evil Joke

S Prasannarajan

Éric Vuillard, the 2017 winner of Prix Goncourt, returns to the pathologies of the past in what could be the smallest novel—and one of the most powerful-- ever written on the Nazi project

Sajjan Singh Rangroot Movie Review

Had the film a more generous budget for the battle scenes, the flaws in the screenplay may not have become so transparent

Who Killed Swaraj?

The fallacy of the development doctrine

Regaining a Little Bit of India

The liberation of Mosul redeems a piece of history

An Idea Under Siege

The weakening of Western hegemony and the crisis of liberal democracy

May Be a Wounded Lion

The ideal day after June 8th: A new Theresa May and a new Labour

The Spy Who Came From the Cold

The story of Bhagat Ram Talwar is a valuable addition to the literature on intelligence operations


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