
Smriti Irani

The Smriti Surge

Amita Shah

Smriti Irani has already made the Gandhis a distant memory in Amethi, and lets her work do the talking

Smriti Irani: The Spellbinder

She was television’s favourite daughter-in-law. She carved out her space at the top of Indian politics. And now she turns writer with a thriller set in the Maoist heartland. How Smriti Irani juggles the many hats of her life

Mission Bangla

Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants a good equation with Dhaka, and there is talk that Rajnath Singh will be going there soon

Can Smriti Irani Repeat Amethi?

She is expected to take on not just Rahul Gandhi but also nullify the Priyanka Gandhi factor

Belur Moments

When Modi had two luchis (the Bengali version of puris), dal and plain khichdi, which he enjoyed so much that he took a second helping

Recovery Path

The Frenemy | Double CM Hopeful | Advisor Vacancy | Resignation Dilemma | Sudden Interest | New Hitlist

Modi’s Point Person

Old Guard Math | Unseen Together | Rajya Sabha Runaround | Family Agony | Campaign Capsule | Biding Her Time | Common Ground


Smriti Irani's knack for ruffling feathers and Delhi Golf Club's membership scandal


The undeserved pay of MPs, Smriti Irani's alienation of officials and a mockery of Rajya Sabha ideals


The jinx of a global broadcaster, tale of a Nirav Modi showroom, and beeline for Rajya Sabha seats


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