

The Lost Romance

Yamini Lohia

A love story in nine parts

Love in the Time of War

A pulp panorama featuring an Air Force romantic

The Economics of Romance

Being priced out of the dating market

Befikre Review

The movie is the same old mundane, post modern angst about the impossibility of separating love and lust that we have seen in Hindi films over the last few years

Hindi Cinema: Singing in the Rain

Our columnist returns to the classic monsoon songs of Hindi cinema. A seasonal reminder of love and longing, desire and sorrow

Alain de Botton: The Post-Romantic

Alain de Botton returns to fiction and redeems love from romance. The philosopher novelist in conversation with Nandini Nair

Sairat: The End of Romance

A Marathi film turns the shopworn love story upside down and breaks box office records

Love in the Time of Swiping

A popular American comic’s take on love in the era of digital romance


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