
real estate

Norman Finkelstein on Gaza as ‘prime real estate’ for Trump and his invite to Netanyahu

Ullekh NP

American scholar Norman Finkelstein sees the US president’s invitation to Benjamin Netanyahu as a suggestion that international laws have no role in Trump’s White House

The Perils of Buying a Home

The decision is predicated on assumptions that don’t often come through

A Fear Called Evergrande

The uncertainty is for real

Khan Market and its Gang

The makeover of the most expensive piece of real estate in India

Kerala: Demolition Conundrum

The demolition of the Marad flats show that in India, self-righteousness holds greater sway than rational thought

Mumbai Notebook

Pollution and real estate

Mumbai: Broken City

There are no sustainable measures in sight to prevent the implosion of Mumbai

Home Alone

The Supreme Court stepping in for 30,000 flat buyers in Noida is a far-reaching moment

The Rhetoric and Reality of Real Estate

The auction of Aamby Valley could aid the revival of this market


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