

Sri Lanka: The Island of Loss and Longing

Sasanka Perera

Sri Lanka’s economic crisis has united a divided nation against the Rajapaksa regime

The Levant Erupts Again

Another violent turn in the long-standing objective of Hamas to capture Jerusalem

The Virus and Democracy

How the East beat the West

‘To Build a Unified Market, Establish a National Online Spot Exchange’

Farmer protests are more against what was not said in the three farm Bills than what was said, notes IGIDR economist Sudha Narayanan

Cancel Culture’s India Problem

When publishing house Bloomsbury withdrew their book Delhi Riots 2020

The Eternity of Exile

Still waiting for deliverance in Kashmir

A Referendum on Trump: Will the Base Hold?

Donald Trump gets a reality check four months before the presidential election

In the Names of the Father and the Son

The deaths of a mobile shopowner and his son from alleged custodial torture have put Tamil Nadu on the boil over police brutality

Ideology in Black and White

The false morality of the race debate


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