

The Second-Majority Complex

Ibn Khaldun Bharati

Indian Muslims should focus on their potential as citizens

The Nation Strikes Back

It’s the liberals…nervousness

Under Siege

BJP has the edge on BJD in Odisha’s Lok Sabha seats while the Assembly election is a closer contest than expected, reports

A Proverbial Guide to the Polls

Check the cheese and ignore the bombast

A Proverbial Guide to the Polls

Check the cheese and ignore the bombast

Cyber Communities

Where everyone has acquired the facility of being heard

Mapping the Muslim Mind

Travelling across eastern Uttar Pradesh, Open finds Muslims are crestfallen as they are taken for granted by the so-called secular parties

Spare the EVM Please

Look who’s losing faith in democracy

The Frontline of Democracy

On a visit to the home village of top Maoist commander Hidma in Bastar, Siddharth Singh finds ground domination and a humanitarian outreach are containing Maoist terror

The Power of My Vote Bank

From the sleepy villages to the bustling towns of western Uttar Pradesh, voters say they will reward the Modi dispensation for its generous schemes and state Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for strict policing


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