

No Hyphenation

Mehr Tarar

Kashmir’s primary and most important stakeholder is its people

Black Lives Matter

Diving into European art history to resurrect a vital and ignored cast of characters

Pico Iyer: Writer of the Heart

In his new book Pico Iyer returns to Japan to chronicle the beauty of impermanence. The author in conversation with Nandini Nair

Crazy Rich Delhiites

A portrait of the upper crass

Migrant Nation

Tony Joseph wades through genetics, archaeology and linguistics to present a picture of the people who shaped Indian civilisation

Freedom from Babudom

A technology platform introduced in Haryana is transforming the government’s interface with citizens. Can it be replicated elsewhere in India?

Mumbai Notebook

Remembering Nana Chudasama and ringing in the New Year

Being a Punjabi

Marked by identity politics

Homeward Bound

Belonging and outsider-ness in books from the Northeast

South Side Saga

Travelling across cultures and geography


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