

The Unfinished Agenda of Masood Azhar

Rahul Pandita

Twenty years after his release from an Indian jail, the fountainhead of radical Islamism continues to send messengers of death to India

Pakistan: Land Without Small Mercies?

The social and emotional inequalities of Pakistan come out in small anecdotes

Books Old and New

Offer a welcome diversion

Honour and Shame in Pakistan

Are things changing for the better?

Pride Portraits

Three artists from the subcontinent create online works of intimacy

The Legacy of Jinnah

The argument that had he lived longer, Pakistan would have evolved into a proper democracy is pure sophistry

Taking Life for Granted

Coronavirus and the struggle with new rules of mortality

Conversion Terror

The move to turn a gurdwara into a mosque further reveals Pakistan’s suppression of minorities

The Ideal and the Real

Will Imran Khan be Pakistan’s first Prime Minister to last a full term?

The Year of the Locust

As early waves of the insect sweep north India ahead of the kharif sowing season, the Agriculture Ministry’s Locust Warning Organisation hopes to stave off a blight as old as time


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