

How I wrote my 500 page novel set in ancient Greece without being there

Aniruddha Bahal

‘The Emissary’ takes you to Ancient Greece at the time of Alexander the Great through the tale of a young renegade who ends up with a role in shaping Greek destiny. How the idea took seed, though, is another story

The Write Stuff from IIT and IIM

Move over Chetan Bhagat. There is a new crop of BEs and MBAs churning out fiction, and not just about life at the IITs and IIMs.

Rocket Writer

Sujit Saraf on his new book about a bandit and how slow and sarkari his former employer, Nasa, really is

Portrait of a City

Restless, fevered even, and awash with the portend of impending doom, Theroux’s latest is difficult to put down or forget.

The Indian Art of Murder

We know Sherlock ‘elementary’ Holmes, we know Hercule ‘little grey cells’ Poirot and we know Philip ‘I collect blondes and bottles’ Marlowe. Now, several writers are making a pitch for the next great detective—from India

In Conversation with Meghnad Desai

Economist Meghnad Desai on the fun he had—despite the many challenges—while writing his first work of fiction titled ‘Dead on Time’


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