
Narendra Modi

The Caravan and Barking Dogs

Suhel Seth

The best way to react to the anti-Modi documentary was to ignore it

Faux Secularists

The hidden agenda of the Modi critics

Critical Success

A sound policy template enabled the Indian economy’s speedy recovery from the pandemic

Talking Democracy

The prime minister urged people to take pride in India’s democratic heritage

Green and Global

Behind the themes of digitalisation, decarbonisation and decentralisation, Budget 2023 seeks to pump-prime the economy with autonomous investment and consumption demand, thereby increasing incomes

An Upbeat Forecast

India is expected to grow anywhere from 6% to 6.8% in 2023-24 even as the global economy continues to be in a funk. The baseline projection for growth given by the government in its Economic Survey on Tuesday is 6.5%, making it one of the fastest growing economies in the world

Resilient Republic

India as an enduring story of democracy

The Doctrine of Indifference

Narendra Modi has formulated a cogent policy towards Pakistan: ignore the state and punish the rogue terrorist


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