
Narendra Modi

The Pursuit of Greatness

S Prasannarajan

It makes some of politics’ most engrossing stories

Surprise Gains

Navigating a tough year globally with more than a passing grade

Maximum Modi

The Prime Minister excels while the opposition dithers and shrinks

Narendra Modi: Staying Home

The state challenges will require Modi’s attention as BJP’s campaigner-in-chief and poll mascot

What Sets Modi Apart

Darers, dreamers, redeemers and the damned in global leadership

The Modi Alchemy

He is still Hindutva’s flag-bearer and BJP’s winning plank

Flair and Fast

Vande Bharat is changing train travel for Indians with its speed, comfort and look

Open Singapore

An open and welcoming place

United Against Terror

A series of high-profile conferences in New Delhi sees a wider acceptance of India’s concerns and strategies

Modi at G20

India’s concerns about abjuring war for diplomatic solutions to conflict and its growing unease at Russia have been reflected in the group’s summit declaration in Bali


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