
Narendra Modi

Gujarat Is Not Done with Its Caesar

Aakar Patel

…and who but Gujaratis themselves can you blame for it?

Modi’s Teflon Is Wearing Off

The verdict against Mayaben Kodnani shows that Modi rewarded her for murder

‘No regrets about interviewing Modi’

Shahid Siddiqui on how the interview came about, what was said, and what he reads between the lines

‘In fact, people should ask forgiveness of Modi’

Remorseless for Gujarat 2002, Modi pleads his impeccable credentials

Who Is Secular in This Country?

Those who make religious distinctions or those who do not?

Will We Ever Know the Truth?

…when the SIT report itself seems more preoccupied with finding excuses for Narendra Modi than investigating his role in the Gujarat carnage

Why Is Narendrabhai Afraid of the Indian Media?

It is because he knows his performance cannot withstand scrutiny by the informed

Gadkari is Not in the Race for the PM’s post, Just for the Record

The BJP president’s support for Narendra Modi shows that the race for the party’s PM-probable is still far from closed

Modi’s Muslim Fans

They do exist. And have been growing more vocal by the day. What this says about a minority that has been under pressure in Gujarat

Still a Wild Field

Jostling for the honour of being the NDA’s prime ministerial candidate has begun. And how


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