

Zakir Naik: A Different Kind of Jihadist

Matthew J Kuiper

Deconstructing the provocations and self-promotion of Zakir Naik

Bajrang Dal: A Bolder Shade of Saffron

Bajrang Dal struggles to retain its place in the vanguard of the Hindutva movement in the post-Ayodhya era (Photos: Ashish Sharma)

God’s Recruits

The radicalisation of Indian Muslim youth in the age of the Islamic State

Open Diary

The London attack, the jargonised prose of academia and the Ireland’s new Prime Minister

Identity is Destiny

In the wake of the Westminster and Manchester attacks, an exhibition in London brings out what it means to be a working-class Muslim youth in Britain today

Arundhati Roy: The Utmost Unhappiness of Being Indian

Arundhati Roy’s second novel in twenty years retains her original magic even as it becomes an overwrought political project

Ode to Triple Talaq

Is it the end of a medieval practice?

The Parable of a True Muslim

Through candid and spirited letters to his sons, a father addresses the issues that haunt Islam today

The Call of Jihad

A village in north Kerala earns notoriety after 11 of its youth flee to join the Islamic State. Shahina KK visits the families of the vanished in Padanna

Female Qazis: Raising the Bar

India’s pioneering female qazis are pushing for a gender-neutral interpretation of Muslim law


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