
modern art

Prabuddha Dasgupta: The Literary Photographer

Somak Ghoshal

Prabuddha Dasgupta compresses entire stories into his frames

Take Your Vaikuntam Home

Rakhi Sarkar brings India’s biggest affordable art fair to Delhi

Beyond Biographies

Revisualising the idea of the diaspora

Jitish Kallat: Here After Here

Jitish Kallat is caught between the mundane and the cosmic

Being Modern

A new show is a corrective gesture that brings together works by many founding members of Group 1890

Sudarshan Shetty: Fulsome Void

Sudarshan Shetty is simultaneously interested in achieving a state of minimalism and echoing a position of seeming emptiness through abundance and grandiloquence

In Search of Modern Art

From Raza to Husain to the leader of the Bombay Progressives, FN Souza, nobody really knew what modern art or modernity was. It was Paris and its influences that gave their amorphous ideas a sense of form and identity


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