
Kashmiri Pandits

The Jagmohan Myth

Rahul Pandita

The former Jammu and Kashmir governor is often accused of orchestrating the Pandit exodus. The truth is starkly different

The Future of Kashmiri Pandits

Is there a life for them in the Valley?

A New Poetics of Protest

The aesthetics of Indian politics XIV

Breaking the Valley’s Silence

The Kashmir Files has lifted the 30-year veil over a shared shame

Vivek Agnihotri: Fact Seeker

The success of The Kashmir Files puts the focus on its director

Kashmir on the National Mind

A film becomes a cathartic cultural event that brings the tragedy of the pandits to the public consciousness

An Inconvenient Truth

The forced migration of Kashmiri Pandits, for long kept out of the national narrative, is finally becoming visible and gaining the attention of the rest of India

1990 in Kashmir 2021?

What lies behind the spate of minority killings in the Valley

‘They say it is raining in Kashmir’

A fire that burnt our home and consumed our lives

‘Now is the time to say Sorry’

We are sorry that we did not talk about it


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