
Indian history

Power and Religion

The complex evolution of cultures and societies in the Deccan

Naval Mutiny and the War on Memory

On the anniversary of the naval mutiny, remembering how Utpal Dutt’s 1965 play memorialising the event had landed him in jail

‘A Biographer Is an Artist under Oath,’ says Ramachandra Guha

Ramachandra Guha’s new book portrays seven westerners who joined India’s freedom movement. He speaks to Nandini Nair about today’s rebels and the meaning of patriotism

The End of Inevitability

The linear narrative of India’s freedom struggle and its unrealised possibilities

Who and Why?

The players, plots and the movement that led to Gandhi’s murder

How Vrindavan Saved Shivaji

The aesthetics of Indian politics VII

Creature of the Sky and Earth

The fantastical journey of the horse

The Right To Remember

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day seeks to memorialise a shared catastrophe of the subcontinent. It could bring people together and find them closure


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