
Indian history

Love in the Lost City

Ira Mukhoty

A historian’s first novel is a romance set in 1857

Bharat vs India

The former has built a new Ram temple. What does the latter prefer?

The Churchill Paradox

Historians cannot square the wartime British prime minister’s fascination for India with his pessimism about its independent future

The Mughal and the Tudor

The two warrior poets are a perfect study in the elusive nature of power

History as Palimpsest

Over one hundred scholars map the origins and evolution of India

The Passion of Pazhassi Raja

An 18th century Kerala king starred in the longest war waged against British forces in the subcontinent

Return to Jallianwala Bagh

A novelist comes to the conclusion that the Amritsar massacre was not a discrete event

Rescuing the First BJP PM

From the unwarranted appropriation of those who just want to hate Modi

Who Are We?

Tracing the evolution of India’s unique identity

Updating History

New discoveries mean erasing some of the old


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