

Inscrutable Censors

Shradha Sukumaran

Indian film censor certification today divides humanity into U, UA and A. There is a new proposal that hopes to bring common sense to the process.

Small Deals, Big Deals and the Big Brother of All

More info on the proposed 126-jet megadeal

Old Dravida in New Guinea

Indians know little about Papua New Guinea. New Guineans don’t know India either. Yet, why does much of its geography sound Dravidian?

Indo China 1962

A quick peek back into the past serves as a reminder of what China is capable of.

Are Indian Hackers Any Good?

In light of the Chinese hacking into the Indian Government’s computers, a look at why India has not been able to raise its own army of lethal hackers.

China’s War Plan

Classified military documents on China’s strategy for a limited war against India confirm our worst fears: China can take Arunachal in 48 hours. And we are in no hurry to do anything about it.

Back with the Shopping Bag

India Inc has resumed the hunt for overseas buys. But this time, there are distinct differences in strategy and execution.

A Losing Battle

There are brave forest officers who are doing their utmost to save Indian wildlife from poachers. But even their best efforts could prove too little, too late.

Diplomatic Convergence

Moscow and New Delhi are updating an old friendship. Vladimir Putin’s visit to India has made that much clear.

The Case for Strategic Silence

It is a matter of concern that our Defence Minister reacts to most problems saying it’s a “matter of concern”. High time he stopped being just concerned and did something.


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