

Owning the Arena

V Shoba

Six sportswomen on top of their game

“Play the Game”

The point is simple: we weren’t accustomed to winning, except perhaps in hockey

The Fear of Failure

India’s safety-first approach backfired at the Hockey World Cup

The Tragedy of Hockey

On the muted enthusiasm before the World Cup in India

The Birmingham Message

How to build a sporting powerhouse

Triumphs and Tears

The year India undid one hundred years of Olympic underperformance

Balbir Singh (1924-2020): True Legend

He was one of hockey’s greatest centre forwards

A Collector’s Game

An intimate celebration of Indian sport by one of its keenest chroniclers

Escape from Defeat

What’s behind the outrage over Pakistani hockey players’ rudeness towards spectators

Allow tennis players more challenges

Players should not have the ‘challenges remaining’ sword dangling over their heads


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