

The Proof of the Past

Siddharth Singh

How historians like BB Lal brought the facts of Ayodhya to light

BB Lal (1921-2022): The Man Who Turned the Past

He provided the archaeological legitimacy for a Ram temple in Ayodhya

The Making of an Indophile

Wendy Doniger’s early impressions of the country, written in her 20s

The Hopeful Historian

Rutger C Bregman’s new book questions our shared assumptions about humanity. The bestselling historian tells Bhavya Dore why he remains optimistic

Harappans would have scoffed at attempts to make them vegetarians

Ullekh NP in Open Conversation with historian Nayanjot Lahiri

Honouring Jadunath Sarkar

India’s foremost archivist-historian was a complete fusspot when it came to details

‘Left Historians Misled Indian Muslims on Ayodhya’

“Hindu-Muslim relations over Ayodhya would not have deteriorated to this point if the left historians had not misled and misguided the Muslim group,” says historian Meenakshi Jain


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