

Nature’s Myths

Karthik Shankar

Foreign natives and native exiles in verse

In the Beginning Is Me

Anju Dodiya creates multiple narratives of the self

Natural Beauty

A recreation of memories of flora in watercolours

Homeward Bound

Manohar Shetty’s confessional poems are responses to domesticity and the charms of Goa. The poet in conversation with Urvashi Bahuguna

A Critique of Artistic Decline

The inevitable tragedy of great filmmakers losing their mojo

Bibliomania Unbound

Books as objects of obsession

Is Art Priceless?

When beauty goes under the hammer

Folk Theorems

Tribal art gets mainstream status in the marketplace

Reena Kallat: Trapped in Hyphens

Reena Kallat is continuously re-imagining existing bodies of work to unravel their many possible permutations and combinations

‘This is the censored me,’ says Kalki Koechlin

Kalki Koechlin has always been a fearless voice. Her new movie deals with the complexities of urban relationships. Divya Unny meets up with a Bollywood original


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