

‘India needs to be intimate with China’

Suhit Kelkar

In an interview with Open, writer Martin Jacques sounds a wake-up call for India: engage China or prepare to endure its hegemony

Tiananmen Protests

China’s censors blocked internet access to the terms ‘six four’, ‘23’, ‘candle’ and ‘never forget

Chinese Whispers as Strategic Tools

China’s record on keeping its inflation under control has been quite remarkable of late. What could possibly explain this?

How to Overcome China Envy

India is gung-ho about public-private partnerships, but neither the Centre nor private sector is having it easy raising funds

Red Sunrise in the Northeast

Faced with reverses in the red corridor, Maoists are looking at this remote region for expansion

Sunrise in the East

India needs to keep the Chinese factor in mind while engaging with Myanmar

The Rare Earth Scare

Crunch time: China, which controls 97 per cent of rare earth supplies, has restricted their exports

The Changing Colour of Red

A clutch of apparently disconnected events is pointing at deep churn at the top in China

China Plumbs Indian Depths

India’s northern neighbour has won a seabed exploration bid in the Indian Ocean. Is this part of a grand design to encircle us?

Where Every Risk is an Opportunity

How China is using curiosity of the ‘Jasmine Revolution’ to spy electronically on democracy supporters—even in India


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