
Boris Johnson

The Conservative Question

S Prasannarajan

An idea that defies radicalisation

Blame It on Boris

Sunak's battle against the inevitable and a journal that stands out

A Silly Indiscretion

The career of Boris Johnson as a front-ranking British politician is well and truly over

The Coronation of Rishi Sunak

Britain’s first prime minister of Indian origin begins an epic fight to save the country and the party

A Prayer for Britain

Liz Truss has made a perfect mess of everything in the shortest time possible

The Royal Reckoning

By her stature, Queen Elizabeth II had kept at bay questions that must be answered now. But is Britain ready?

Liz Truss: The Unlikely Tory and the Unlikelier Thatcherite

Britain’s new prime minister will have no honeymoon period and will struggle to keep the party in office till the next general election

The Coven of Chums

Simon Kuper’s new book uncovers the ‘Oxford flaws’. He tells Ullekh NP why Brexit’s origins lie in the elite British institution


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