

Why Beijing Behaves Badly

Rajeev Deshpande

Former foreign secretary Shyam Saran analyses China’s conduct towards India

Who Is Charles Sobhraj?

Farrukh Dhondy’s portrait of an elusive and enigmatic character

The Loss of Others

Translating Ovid’s Metamorphoses provided the logical next step of my literary journey and gave me some solace in grief

Fractured Lives

A daughter’s quest for her father helps her find herself

Bad Blood

A portrait of tuberculosis that reveals society’s ill-informed choices

The Perfect Duet

An Indian novel wins the International Booker Prize for the first time. The act of translation must now be sustained and strengthened

India of the Mind

Far from being colonised subjects, Indians in the 19th century had a vibrant sense of strategic affairs

The Persistence of Democracy

Stein Ringen offers a new definition for democracy and hits out at sceptics

Aanchal Malhotra: The Memory Keeper

Aanchal Malhotra maps the legacy of Partition through oral histories. The author in conversation with Aditya Mani Jha

Mom Versus Child

What it means to have an abusive mother


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