Anuradha Nagaraj
Two orphaned boys found a home in Italy when their children’s home in Bangalore put them up for adoption. Soon after, the boys’ maternal aunt and her husband lodged a case, protesting they had not been consulted
At a Bangalore art gallery, a printer spins 3D objects out of bright green plastic while an unopened bottle of vodka stands by
With no reliable optic fibre cables policy, telecom companies are forced to lay wires randomly
A Bangalore-based start-up allows art aficionados of modest means to rent works of art rather than buy them
Saalumarada Thimmakka, 101, has planted 1,000 trees along a 3 km stretch of road
An imported species threatens the local fish population around Bangalore
Accused No 24 of the 2008 Bangalore Blasts case exists in two places at the same time. Lodged in prison, he is ‘absconding’ as well