

Home Truths

Nikita Doval

On the eve of the second anniversary of the lockdown, a report on what has changed for the migrant worker and what hasn’t

Mumbai Notebook

Firefighting, over-bridge collapse and moon landing anniversary

Open Diary

The Naxalbari anniversary and the role of non-citizens in UK elections

Narendra Modi: The cultural revolutionary

The portrait of a leader who has altered the idea of being Indian

The Wisdom of Not Doing

On the fifth anniversary of the 26/11 attacks, a few thoughts on the Government’s response

Who is Sonali Khan?

On the occasion of this column’s completion of 52 weeks, answers to some FAQs

What’s New

We’re two and happy for our place in your world. This special edition raises a toast to new arrivals in our lives

Stringing Us Along

As New Delhi enters its 100th year, an outsider’s spurious tribute

The Man Who Dares to Bare

On the fifth anniversary of India’s Right to Information Act, it’s time to ask: does it work? Judge from the story of one of India’s bravest RTI activists, Kheemaram, who has filed nearly 400 applications, shaken up his village and suffered a series of attacks and death threats

The Fall of Hyderabad

On the 62nd anniversary of this princely state’s surrender to the Indian Union, a look back at the trail of events that led up to it.


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