They Make the World Go Round
They will never make it to the photographs families and friends take of each other enjoying the rides. So they make it to mine…
24 Feb, 2010
They will never make it to the photographs families and friends take of each other enjoying the rides. So they make it to mine…
They will never make it to the photographs families and friends take of each other enjoying the rides. So they make it to mine…
Cutting through the cackling laughter and excited shrieks comes the voice of reason. Step back, it says. The eye behind the hawk’s head noticed a toddler venturing too close to the ferris wheel for safety.
The men who operate these amusement rides—the Rajus, the Mariams, the Abduls and Iqbals—come across as spoilsports sometimes. Like when they don’t allow two giggling sisters to sit next to each other lest they mess up the balance of the ride.
Just once in a while, an exhilarated rider might thank them for the fun time. Yet, they will never make it to the photographs families and friends take of each other enjoying the rides. So they make it to mine…
—Ruhani Kaur
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