All of us trawl the web for the important and the improbable. Soon, maybe, how you search may become an essential skill.
That’s the baseline prescription of Elizabeth Pisani, the author of a book on fighting the killer virus.
It is a perhaps the only netbook in the premium range. But do you want to pay this much for size zero?
Khalid, the protagonist, after over a year of being thrown into an isolation cell at Guantanamo Bay.
Nominated for a children’s book prize, Anna Perera’s story of a Guantanamo inmate wrenches the heart with its stark realism.
Five things that Gmail and other email providers can do to help those who are too lazy or too busy to manage their inboxes better.
Google’s auto-suggest is not really as stupid as you think. It offers ‘weird’ suggestions because some people across the web found them useful.
This Pakistani cricketer-turned-politician has always been the paparazzi’s delight. In this biography, Sandford follows a similar path instead of trying to unravel the enigma called Imran Khan.
Stylish, graceful and a performer. If you have the money, this your machine.
Sujit Saraf on his new book about a bandit and how slow and sarkari his former employer, Nasa, really is