Extracted through rat holes, coal has made a select few in Meghalaya very rich. It is also creating a dirty mess that nobody wants to own up to.
The cute and cuddly photos in kid’s rooms have competition. Artists are creating art specially for kids as young as two months old, and they can’t keep up with the demand.
The IPL success of Chennai Super Kings can be traced to a certain business acumen. That of India Cements’ N Srinivasan. He is that rare team owner who knows exactly what he’s up to.
Fellow Goa holidayers, unite! There’s plenty to lose if this fine Goan beer is pushed over by bigger players and other bullies that are kicking sand in its face.
The Maoist attack on EFR’s camp at Silda has stirred more trouble for the beleaguered West Bengal government. It is the long-neglected EFR that is now threatening to revolt against the state.
Mulayam May Lose Strength in the RS; Where’s the Thackeray Roar?; A Life of Dissent; Naga Negotiations; The Dera Riots That Could Well Have Been
Shashi Tweeter Tharoor may or may not be suffering from webbed-foot-in-beak syndrome, but the minister of state ought to share some of the grief his ministry’s embassies have caused Indian citizens worldwide. Here’s a sample of their aggrieved tweets:
How does it feel to know that the seller knows your mind better than you know yourself? And this isn’t science fiction either.
Believe it or not, entrepreneur Vibhu Natarajan exports palm trees to West Asia. Because gardens need to be grown overnight.