

Business Briefing 20/03


Eyeballs, Eyeballs Everywhere; Kite Flying; It’s Alright, Maruti

India This Week

There’s No Way to Please Them All; Even Hobsbawm Can’t Bail Karat; Separatists Must Unite; No Country for Old Memories; MPs’ First Call of Duty: Show Up

The Other Headlines and Battles

…that women in India will have to fight outside Parliament and the armed forces.

A Losing Battle

There are brave forest officers who are doing their utmost to save Indian wildlife from poachers. But even their best efforts could prove too little, too late.

Diplomatic Convergence

Moscow and New Delhi are updating an old friendship. Vladimir Putin’s visit to India has made that much clear.

Avenues of Angst

Traffic blockades in Kolkata are part and parcel of the city’s daily routine. If there’s a cause, you can be sure there’ll be a holdup.

The more things change…

Party president Nitin Gadkari has set up a new team to revive the BJP, but if the party needed a break from the past, this is certainly not it.

How the Blade Killed the Aftershave

Or how the lotion stopped being the ‘mark of a man’ and the many reasons why it is only remembered as a daddy’s product now.

“We can’t disable our hidden brain”

Author Shankar Vedantam on the mental prejudice-graph which kicks in as early as age three, how it influences stock markets and why it turns some into suicide bombers.

Matua Millions for Mamata

A 12.5 million-strong sect in Bengal has ditched the Left and might vote en bloc for Didi because their guru wants them to.


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