

The Winning Habit

Meet India’s first transgender pastor

Freeze! It’s the Police!

They have loaded cameras. Except that it is not helping them gather good enough visual evidence for crime investigations

Refusing to Melt

The struggles and consolations of India’s ice hockey team

And God Made Nihari

It is more than a mere dish. To this gourmet tourist, it is the axis that holds good while everything else is in a swirl

The Men Who Do Not Exist

...at least according to Defence Minister AK Antony

Rebellion in the Ranks

Mayawati is tracking this revolt anxiously, but she is also trying her best to play it down

Our Experiments with Fasting

Satyagraha to knavery and everything in between

The Indian Search for Extraterrestrials

…or the story of life’s origins

The Lab Optimists

From battle tanks to mosquito repellents to dosas in space, the DRDO is a laboratory of sweeping ideas, many of which will take a lifetime to execute

The Birth of a Male Contraceptive

An IIT professor has developed an original drug called Risug that simplifies vasectomy to a single injection. And it’s easily reversible too. The thing is, he has been waiting 33 years for the Government’s final approval of his wonder drug


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