

The Scientologists of India

Evil cult or misunderstood religion, Scientology is slowly finding followers in India

The Man Who Prayed Too Much

The mysterious death of Satnam Singh Maan, a spiritual ‘schizophrenic’ arrested for an alleged attempt to murder godwoman Amritanandamayi

The Wounds of Nellie

Has anything changed three decades after the infamous massacre?

Pot Needs to Call the Kettle Black

India needs to strengthen the UN’s hand in censuring Sri Lanka. But that requires facing up to its own human rights record

Old New Kingdom of Birds

How India’s farms grant endangered avian species sanctuary

Margin of Error

How safe are you when you take a monsoon flight?

The Leopard in My Backyard

Where close encounters with creatures of the wild are disturbingly common

Open Arms Suburb

Come one, come all, chase your dreams. So says Andheri, Mumbai’s all-embracing northwestern suburb

The Exodus

As Northeasterners flee, aboard the Bangalore-Guwahati Special

Return of Lazy but Logical Banking

‘Lazy’ because it gets a bank low returns with very little effort. ‘Logical’ because a bank has few other options, given the slump


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