

A Call to Action

Yadgir in Karnataka has abysmal levels of literacy, housing and sanitation. But almost every adult has a cellphone. Can mobile networks connect the dots of the district’s developmental trail?

Sexual Consent: Yes for the Record

There are now apps that register sexual consent. Just in case of a dispute later

Come Home for Supper

Amateur chefs woo foodies for exotic meals and great table conversation

The Right to Die

The age-old Jain practice of Santhara has been held illegal by a court, raising old questions anew. Does the state own every life under it, or does our right to life also include the right to stop living?

Knock Down the Great Wall of Secrecy

Having tom-tommed share ownership by the proletariat, China must have figured it had to keep prices up. Even after this crash, Chinese stocks are overpriced

Bihar: The Great Election Scare

How political parties in Bihar increasingly use fear as a tool to draw Muslim votes

Simmering Border Heat

NSA-level talks called off. LoC tensions on the rise. Non-state actors on a rampage. Is Pakistan’s military brass emboldened by an upcoming opportunity in Afghanistan?

Jobs: What employers are looking for today

Including acronyms, informal greetings and a selfie in your job application isn’t the best idea


S Prasannarajan • Pratap Bhanu Mehta • Swapan Dasgupta • Shashi Tharoor • Tunku Varadarajan • Shiv Visvanathan • Priyamvada Gopal • TM Krishna • Ullekh NP • Madhavankutty Pillai • V Shoba • Aresh Shirali • Sonali Acharjee • Shreya Sethuraman

Congress: From Here to Where?

Devoid of ideas and dismissive of its own legacy, the Congress, its social base fast eroding, faces its biggest leadership crisis


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