

The Last Love Song

Sukanya, Pandit Ravi Shankar’s posthumous operatic piece, unites East and West

Underground Dalit Leaders: Band of Brothers

Kumar Anshuman meets the underground leadership of Dalit assertion in western Uttar Pradesh

Pirates of the Cyber World

India cannot afford to remain complacent

Robin Uthappa: The Reluctant Hero

The rise and fall and dream of Robin Uthappa, still waiting for his Test debut at 31

The Butterfly Effect

Modi reaps big political dividends through a series of low-profile reforms

The Banality of Cruelty

Every time Pakistan does something dastardly, there is a demand for an effective Indian response. Is there another option?

The Alt.Left, South Asianism, and the Scaling of Brownness

The Hindus are no longer considered religious minorities in the US, but holders of majoritarian privilege

The Call of Jihad

A village in north Kerala earns notoriety after 11 of its youth flee to join the Islamic State. Shahina KK visits the families of the vanished in Padanna

Tamil Nadu: Vacancy for an Icon

There are no long-term winners in the Tamil Nadu power struggle

Erdoğan: The Half President

A dictatorship is taking shape on the Bosphorus. Anchal Vohra in Istanbul captures the fears and anxieties of post-referendum Turkey


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