

Arun Gawli: The Don of Dagdi Chawl

The life of Arun Gawli, one of Mumbai’s most notorious mobsters, is being recreated in a new film

Modi Embraces History in Israel

India chooses its partner of the future as an anxious Middle East watches

Inside South Kashmir, a Year after Burhan Wani’s Death

The Valley’s mad waters (Photos: Ashish Sharma)

GST: Unity in Diversity

The great idea of ‘one nation, one tax’ has been launched but it will take a while before the full benefits of GST are reaped

Aditi Mittal: ‘I am Not Here to be Quiet’

As a stand-up comic, Aditi Mittal is happy to exasperate her peers

Instinctively Together

Israel waits for Modi, a natural friend

Bajrang Dal: A Bolder Shade of Saffron

Bajrang Dal struggles to retain its place in the vanguard of the Hindutva movement in the post-Ayodhya era (Photos: Ashish Sharma)

Fire on the Farm

Agricultural loan waivers may buy some political space but they make for poor economics

With Allies Like These

The Shiv Sena’s rejection of BJP’s presidential choice hints of worse to come for Maharashtra’s ruling alliance

Ram Nath Kovind: First Person Singular

It is not his Dalit identity alone that makes Ram Nath Kovind an ideal presidential choice


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